Cara membuat menu Navigasi Drop Down
| 2komentar
Cara menbuat Menu Navigasi Drop Down.
Banyak sobat blogger yang meminta tutorial tips trik Cara membuat menu Navigasi drop down karena saya sudah lama tidak posting Tips Trik blogger.
Oke Dech... langsung saja kali ini saya akan share cara membuat menu navigasi Drop Down. menu ini sangatlah penting untuk dipasang di blog kita, karena pengunjung akan menggunakannya untuk melihat isi semuayang ada di blog kita. pasti semua blo/ website memasang menu ini.
Langsung saja yaa.. cara memasang menu navigasi drop down di blog :
Banyak sobat blogger yang meminta tutorial tips trik Cara membuat menu Navigasi drop down karena saya sudah lama tidak posting Tips Trik blogger.
Oke Dech... langsung saja kali ini saya akan share cara membuat menu navigasi Drop Down. menu ini sangatlah penting untuk dipasang di blog kita, karena pengunjung akan menggunakannya untuk melihat isi semuayang ada di blog kita. pasti semua blo/ website memasang menu ini.
Langsung saja yaa.. cara memasang menu navigasi drop down di blog :
- Silahkan Login ke blogger anda
- Rancangan > Edit Html ( jangan lupa Centang " Expands Template Widget")
- cari kode </head> tekan ctrl+f untuk memudahkan mencarinya.
- lalu taruh kode dibawah ini diatas kode </head>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<style type="text/css">
html .jqueryslidemenu{height: 1%;} /*Holly Hack for IE7 and below*/
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
5. Simpan
6. lalu buka menu elemen halaman (tata letak)
7. Lalu add a gadget pilih HTML/JavaScript
8. masukkan kode dibawah ini :
<div id="myslidemenu" class="jqueryslidemenu">
<li><a href="">Item 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Folder 1</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 1.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 1.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 1.3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 1.4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Folder 2</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 2.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Folder 2.1</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 2.1.1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 2.1.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Folder 3.1.1</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub Item 2.1.4</a></li>
<li><a href="">Item</a></li>
<br style="clear: left" />
9. simpan, lalu letakkan gadget ini persis dibawah header lalu save lagi.
Good Luck's!!
Cara membuat Permalink di Blog
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Cara membuat Permalink di Blog. Apa itu Permalink? Permalink menurut saya sih gini "Permalink atau permanen link merupakan alamat URL atau link yang permanen tentang suatu postingan."
Permalink di blogspot sangat penting untuk menambah link internal di artikel postingan kita. Karena permalink yang satu ini seo friendly sehingga mudah dibaca oleh google.
Untuk contoh demo nya seperti di bawah ini :
Langsung saja cara membuat Permalink di blog, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :
Cara membuat Permalink di blog :
Permalink di blogspot sangat penting untuk menambah link internal di artikel postingan kita. Karena permalink yang satu ini seo friendly sehingga mudah dibaca oleh google.
Untuk contoh demo nya seperti di bawah ini :
Langsung saja cara membuat Permalink di blog, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :
Cara membuat Permalink di blog :
- Silahkan Login ke Blogger anda
- Rancangan > Edit Html ( jangan lupa Centang " Expands Template Widget")
- Lalu Cari kode ]]></b:skin> (tekan tombol Ctrl + F) dan letakkan kode dibawah ini tepat diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
.permalink {border: 1px dotted #EFF0F1; padding: 5px; background: #ffffff;-moz-border-radius:5px;} .permalink a {background:none;} img.float-right {margin: 5px 0px 0 10px;} img.float-left {margin: 5px 10px 0 0px;}
- lalu cari kode <data:post.body/> atau <p><data:post.body/></p>, lalu pastekan kode berikut di bawahnya :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><div class='permalink'> <center><small>Sobat sedang membaca artikel tentang <strong><u><data:blog.pageName/></u></strong> dan sobat bisa menemukan artikel <data:blog.pageName/> ini dengan url <strong><data:post.url/></strong>, sobat boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel <strong><data:blog.pageName/></strong> ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman sobat, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link <u><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:blog.pageName/></a></u> sumbernya. Trims <img src=''/></small></center></div></b:if>
- Klik Simpan.
Catatan : jika sobat sudah menggunakan readmore, akan ada 2 kode <data:post.body/> , silakan sobat pasang kode diatas (langkah Script pertama) tadi di bawah kode <data:post.body/> yang kedua.
Selamat Mencoba.!!
Cara memasang Widget Twitter di blog
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Cara memasang Widget Twitter Di blog,
Ingin memasang Status ngeTwiet di blog anda???
Oke dehh...langsung saja saya akan share cara memassang Widget Twitter di Blog,
Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
Cukup mudah bukan?? Cara memasang Widget Twitter Di Blog .
Ingin memasang Status ngeTwiet di blog anda???
Oke dehh...langsung saja saya akan share cara memassang Widget Twitter di Blog,
Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
- Masuk ke Situs
- Lalu pilih Profil Widget
- isi nama akun Twitter teman Anda
- setelah itu klik Finish & Grabe Code Atau pilih settings untuk melihat hasil yang akan di buat
- Setelah itu muncul Code Widget Twitter
- Cpoy semua Code Widget Twitter kedalam Blog anda
- Caranya masuk ke menu Design/tata letak > add a gadget
Paste Code yang anda copy tadi kedalam Add a Gadget lalu Simpan dan lihat Hasilnya.
Cukup mudah bukan?? Cara memasang Widget Twitter Di Blog .
Selamat Mencoba dan Memodifikasi Blog anda.
Cek kecepatan Blog Anda
| 2komentar
Cek kecepatan Blog anda beda dengan cek berat blog, tapi yang ini beda lagi yakni cara mengecek kecepatan loading blog kita.
Akhir-akhir ini Google telah meluncurkan Tools baru yakni Tools pengecek kecepatan blog.
Oke deh... langsung saja ke benang merahnya, saya tadi sudah mencoba untuk mengecek kecepatan blog saya dan alhamdulillah hasilnya cukup memuaskan ...hehehe
Oke langsung saja cara mengeceknya :
Pengen tahu cara mempercepat kecepatan loading blog biar semakin tinggi ???
Capcuss dech... yaitu caranya dengan memilih template yang simple-simple aja, jangan memasang Gadget yang tidak perlu, seperti Gadget Jam, Kalender, (karena sebetulnya para pengunjung tidak memerlukan itu).
Akhir-akhir ini Google telah meluncurkan Tools baru yakni Tools pengecek kecepatan blog.
Oke deh... langsung saja ke benang merahnya, saya tadi sudah mencoba untuk mengecek kecepatan blog saya dan alhamdulillah hasilnya cukup memuaskan ...hehehe
Oke langsung saja cara mengeceknya :
- Buka Google speed page Online
- Masukkan URL blog anda Pada kolom yang sudah tersedia.
- Tunggu Sebentar
- Lalu akan muncul halaman laporan hasil tesnya seperti dibawah ini :
NB : Hasil tersebut berupa nilai angka 1-100, jika Hasilnya semakin mendekati angka 100 maka kecepatan blog anda semakin tinggi.
Pengen tahu cara mempercepat kecepatan loading blog biar semakin tinggi ???
Capcuss dech... yaitu caranya dengan memilih template yang simple-simple aja, jangan memasang Gadget yang tidak perlu, seperti Gadget Jam, Kalender, (karena sebetulnya para pengunjung tidak memerlukan itu).
Siip joss deh. Silahkan Mencoba!!
Cara memasang widget SMS Gratis
| 1komentar
Banyak cara untuk memodifikasi blog dan memberikan pelayanan dan tampilan yang unik untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung pada sebuah blog/website. salah satunya memasang Gadget yang unik dan menarik.
Yang paling populer pada saat ini adalah memasang Gadget SMS gratis di blog seperti pada blog saya ini.
Widget SMS Gratis adalah Widget layanan pengiriman sms Gratis di internet. widget ini sudah banyak yang memasang dan menggunakannya pada blogger sobat lainnya. untuk contohnya bisa lihat Demonya disini.
Berikut ini cara memasang Widget SMS gratis pada blog :
- langkah pertama login ke akun blogger anda.
- Klik menu Rancangan / Tata letak
- Klik "Tambah Gadget" (HTML/Java Script)
- Isikan Kode dibawah ini :
<iframe name="widgetsms" src="" width="270" height="350" frameborder="0"></iframe>
- Klik Simpan.
- Done.
Cara mengubah setting bahasa menjadi bahasa inggris di blog
| 0 komentar
Cara mengubah setting bahasa menjadi bahasa inggris di blog.
Karena kita berada diwilayah indonesia merdeka, maka secara otomatis blogger akan memberikan setting bahasa dengan bahasa indonesia. Dengan demikian, anda harus merubah settingan menjadi bahasa inggris terlebih dahulu agar bisa terdaftar dalam google adsense.
Langsung saja berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengubah setting bahasa yang semula bahasa indonesia menjadi bahasa inggris :
Jika anda sudah masuk diblogger, klik tab pengaturan.
Lalu klik kelompok pengaturan format.
Pada kolom bahasa, pilihlah inggris (Amerika Serikat).
Setelah selesai melakukan perubahan bahasa, silahkan klik tombol Simpan setelan.
Karena kita berada diwilayah indonesia merdeka, maka secara otomatis blogger akan memberikan setting bahasa dengan bahasa indonesia. Dengan demikian, anda harus merubah settingan menjadi bahasa inggris terlebih dahulu agar bisa terdaftar dalam google adsense.
Langsung saja berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengubah setting bahasa yang semula bahasa indonesia menjadi bahasa inggris :
Jika anda sudah masuk diblogger, klik tab pengaturan.
Lalu klik kelompok pengaturan format.
Pada kolom bahasa, pilihlah inggris (Amerika Serikat).
Setelah selesai melakukan perubahan bahasa, silahkan klik tombol Simpan setelan.
How to post articles on the blog
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Posting article is the first case presented in this sub section, for posting the article is important. It is not possible without a blog article? .. The tool used tool, I think you will be familiar. This is because the tool is a simple tool in blogger.
Yaudah .... why even Ngalor about nothing ... Immediately, the common thread, how to post article in Blogger?
Here are the steps for posting the article:
Login first go to your blogger account »go to the dashboard» click the link post.
Fill the column headings with the title you want. Find a title that can serve as keywords of the text that you want to write.
Type the text you want to display your blog, on the columns that telas available.
NOW click the Save button to save the text you have typed.
Click the Publish button to publish POSTING text you have typed.
eng ing eng .... ... Congratulations your articles have been published and will be read by visitors ... hehe
On condition that you can sign up digoole adsense, you must create a blog with the English language. For that, make English-language articles to be acceptable in google adsense. Good luck.
Yaudah .... why even Ngalor about nothing ... Immediately, the common thread, how to post article in Blogger?
Here are the steps for posting the article:
Login first go to your blogger account »go to the dashboard» click the link post.
Fill the column headings with the title you want. Find a title that can serve as keywords of the text that you want to write.
Type the text you want to display your blog, on the columns that telas available.
NOW click the Save button to save the text you have typed.
Click the Publish button to publish POSTING text you have typed.
eng ing eng .... ... Congratulations your articles have been published and will be read by visitors ... hehe
On condition that you can sign up digoole adsense, you must create a blog with the English language. For that, make English-language articles to be acceptable in google adsense. Good luck.
Cara posting Artikel di blogger
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Posting artikel merupakan hal pertama yang disajikan dalam sub sub bab ini, karena posting artikel merupakan hal yang penting. Tidak mungkin kan blog tanpa artikel??.. Mengenai tool tool yang digunakan, saya rasa anda akan segera familier. Ini dikarenakan tool tool dalam blogger sangatlah sederhana.
Yaudah....kok malah ngalor ngidul... Langsung saja pada benang merahnya, bagaimana cara posting artikel di blogger??
Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk melakukan posting artikel :
Login masuk dulu ke akun blogger anda » masuk ke dasboard » klik link post.
Isilah kolom judul dengan judul yang anda kehendaki. Cari judul yang dapat berperan sebagai kata kunci atas teks yang akan anda tulis.
Ketikkan teks yang ingin anda tampilkan diblog anda, pada kolom yang telas tersedia.
Klik tombol SIMPAN SEKARANG untuk menyimpan teks yang telah anda ketik.
Klik tombol PUBLIKASIKAN POSTING untuk mempublikasikan teks yang telah anda ketik.
...eng ing eng.... Selamat artikel anda telah terpublikasi dan akan dibaca oleh pengunjung...hehe
Catatan :
Syarat agar anda bisa mendaftar digoole adsense, anda harus membuat blog dengan bahasa inggris. Untuk itu, buatlah artikel berbahasa inggris agar bisa diterima di google adsense. Selamat mencoba.
Yaudah....kok malah ngalor ngidul... Langsung saja pada benang merahnya, bagaimana cara posting artikel di blogger??
Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk melakukan posting artikel :
Login masuk dulu ke akun blogger anda » masuk ke dasboard » klik link post.
Isilah kolom judul dengan judul yang anda kehendaki. Cari judul yang dapat berperan sebagai kata kunci atas teks yang akan anda tulis.
Ketikkan teks yang ingin anda tampilkan diblog anda, pada kolom yang telas tersedia.
Klik tombol SIMPAN SEKARANG untuk menyimpan teks yang telah anda ketik.
Klik tombol PUBLIKASIKAN POSTING untuk mempublikasikan teks yang telah anda ketik.
...eng ing eng.... Selamat artikel anda telah terpublikasi dan akan dibaca oleh pengunjung...hehe
Catatan :
Syarat agar anda bisa mendaftar digoole adsense, anda harus membuat blog dengan bahasa inggris. Untuk itu, buatlah artikel berbahasa inggris agar bisa diterima di google adsense. Selamat mencoba.
Adsense blog to open up opportunities
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Creating a blog is the easiest way to get the name of the internet. You have to try one free blog software and live life that is wordpress. But the drawback is you have wordpress buy domain hosting and hire to be used as a dollar earned.
Another alternative is to use a free blogging service like me. Today many websites sites that provide free services to create a blog, one of which is In this chapter I will discuss how to share a blog on the website above.
The reason why to be discussed, because the blogger support for AdSense. Yes, there are many complaints that sign up through, pendaftaranya process easier. Greater likelihood of being accepted.
Thus, the advantages of using is free and easy sign up for Google AdSense. But it remains a flaw disampng. Namely, because the alias is free to live life, sometimes we do not control ata mempunyao the blog. If at any time to your service is stopped, you can not protest. There is a case where a blogger has been having a pretty good site visitors and there has to gain from the dollar suddenly stopped by the As a result he lost potential revenue from the internet. He should accept with resignation.
Now, if each has advantages and disadvantages, how should we choose?
My advice, just use as the media to start a blog and means for applying to Google AdSense. After that, build your website using Wordpress with a serious do you buy your own domain and hosting you rent.
Experts suggest ways to smooth the way so you get a dollar. Use blogs to create a blog that might be a dummy blog (blog untum visitors learn or just fishing).
Therefore, although you probably already have a blog elsewhere (hosted or your own), I suggest you keep a blog to smooth for registering at Google AdSense.
Another alternative is to use a free blogging service like me. Today many websites sites that provide free services to create a blog, one of which is In this chapter I will discuss how to share a blog on the website above.
The reason why to be discussed, because the blogger support for AdSense. Yes, there are many complaints that sign up through, pendaftaranya process easier. Greater likelihood of being accepted.
Thus, the advantages of using is free and easy sign up for Google AdSense. But it remains a flaw disampng. Namely, because the alias is free to live life, sometimes we do not control ata mempunyao the blog. If at any time to your service is stopped, you can not protest. There is a case where a blogger has been having a pretty good site visitors and there has to gain from the dollar suddenly stopped by the As a result he lost potential revenue from the internet. He should accept with resignation.
Now, if each has advantages and disadvantages, how should we choose?
My advice, just use as the media to start a blog and means for applying to Google AdSense. After that, build your website using Wordpress with a serious do you buy your own domain and hosting you rent.
Experts suggest ways to smooth the way so you get a dollar. Use blogs to create a blog that might be a dummy blog (blog untum visitors learn or just fishing).
Therefore, although you probably already have a blog elsewhere (hosted or your own), I suggest you keep a blog to smooth for registering at Google AdSense.
How to register google adsense
| 0 komentar
Google adsense is the most popular text ads at this time. Google adsense is texs ads provided by google. For Indonesia we are a little hard to use google adsense for Indonesian website or blog is not supported by google adsense. But you do not be confused, because I will help you get started doing business with google adsense.
Nahh .... on this occasion I would share how we earn money from google adsense.
To get the benefits of text ads, we have to register in advance or if we are tired of having e-mail account google then we can directly log on using that account.
If you do not already have an account then we have to fill out the registration form.
To register visit the site / adsense.
Then will come the main page google adsense. Fill out the form with the correct data, especially name and address you as it relates to the delivery of your income payments.
If the registration is successful then we will be able to put an ad on a website or blog. For the regulation of advertisements that appear, we are given the freedom to setting it up. For settings, we have to login using an account that we have made, if the login is successful then it will go to our page.
Examples of the settings page is displayed in the image below.
To texs we choose adsense ads to the content so that we will be able to manage ads that will appear on a website or blog Kita. Examples of adsense ads appear in the image below.
This knowledge may help you.
Nahh .... on this occasion I would share how we earn money from google adsense.
To get the benefits of text ads, we have to register in advance or if we are tired of having e-mail account google then we can directly log on using that account.
If you do not already have an account then we have to fill out the registration form.
To register visit the site / adsense.
Then will come the main page google adsense. Fill out the form with the correct data, especially name and address you as it relates to the delivery of your income payments.
If the registration is successful then we will be able to put an ad on a website or blog. For the regulation of advertisements that appear, we are given the freedom to setting it up. For settings, we have to login using an account that we have made, if the login is successful then it will go to our page.
Examples of the settings page is displayed in the image below.
To texs we choose adsense ads to the content so that we will be able to manage ads that will appear on a website or blog Kita. Examples of adsense ads appear in the image below.
This knowledge may help you.
Cara daftar Google AdSense
| 0 komentar

Nahh....pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share bagaimana kita memperoleh penghasilan dari google adsense.
Untuk mendapatkan manfaat text ads, kita harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu atau jika kita lelah memiliki akun e-mail google maka kita dapat langsung login menggunakan akun tersebut.
Jika belum memiliki akun maka kita harus mengisi formulir pendaftarannya.
Untuk mendaftar kunjungi situsnya
Lalu akan muncul halaman utama google adsense. Isi formulir dengan data yang benar terutama nama dan alamat anda karena ini berhubungan dengan pengiriman bayaran pendapatan anda.
Jika pendaftaran berhasil maka kita akan dapat memasang iklan pada website atau blog kita. Untuk pengaturan iklan yang tampil, kita diberikan kebebasan untuk pengaturannya. Untuk pengaturannya, kita harus login menggunakan account yang telah kita buat, jika login berhasil maka akan masuk ke halaman kita.
Contoh halaman pengaturan ditampilkan pada gambar dibawah ini.
Untuk texs ads kita pilih adsense untuk konten sehingga kita akan dapat mengatur iklan yang akan tampil pada website atau blog Kita. Contoh iklan adsense ditampilkan pada gambar dibawah ini.
Semoga ilmu ini membantu anda.
How to Register affiliations in
| 0 komentar
At first site is the first Online Store selling books online that was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, is a pioneer of online business. was already popular in the online business, millions of visitors each day. It is therefore appropriate to make the site afiliater business because many people who visit it.
Jump aja deh, How ya how to list? It's easy, just follow the steps on how to register afiliater this
To be affiliater in are as follows:
Step 1: open the site
Phase 2: go to the "Join Associates"
To join as affiliater click Join now fpr free.
Stage 3: After entering the registration page. Fill in your email address example: then the option "No, i am a new customer"
Step 4: click the Sign in Using our secure server then it will go to the Registration page.
Step 5: Fill in the Registration page to complete the data yourself, remember not to cheat because the money you will never be able to if you cheat.
If you've filled in the registration column select the Finish button.
Important: note the ID and associates note in the phrase "Your unique Associates ID is".
The registration process is completed in affiliater finished. We have successfully merged into one affiliater of
Once we managed to become affiliater, we just show the link provided on the Amazon website / blog.
To payment, Amazon will send you a check on us after our result is $ 100. The check can be exchanged at banks in Indonesia such as BCA, BRI, and so forth.
Hopefully this article useful for us all. Good luck.
Jump aja deh, How ya how to list? It's easy, just follow the steps on how to register afiliater this
To be affiliater in are as follows:
Step 1: open the site
Phase 2: go to the "Join Associates"
To join as affiliater click Join now fpr free.
Stage 3: After entering the registration page. Fill in your email address example: then the option "No, i am a new customer"
Step 4: click the Sign in Using our secure server then it will go to the Registration page.
Step 5: Fill in the Registration page to complete the data yourself, remember not to cheat because the money you will never be able to if you cheat.
If you've filled in the registration column select the Finish button.
Important: note the ID and associates note in the phrase "Your unique Associates ID is".
The registration process is completed in affiliater finished. We have successfully merged into one affiliater of
Once we managed to become affiliater, we just show the link provided on the Amazon website / blog.
To payment, Amazon will send you a check on us after our result is $ 100. The check can be exchanged at banks in Indonesia such as BCA, BRI, and so forth.
Hopefully this article useful for us all. Good luck.
Cara daftar afiliater di
| 0 komentar
Pada awalnya situs adalah Toko Online yang awalnya menjual buku online yang di dirikan oleh Jeff Bezos pada tahun 1994 ini merupakan pelopor bisnis online. memang sudah terpopuler dalam bisnis online, jutaan pengunjung pada setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu situs cocok untuk buat bisnis afiliater karena banyaknya orang yang mengunjunginya.
Langsung aja deh, Gimana ya cara daftarnya?? Gampang kok, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah cara mendaftar afiliater di ini.
Untuk menjadi affiliater di adalah sebagai berikut :
Tahap 1 : buka situs
Tahap 2 : masuk ke halaman "Join Associates"
Untuk bergabung sebagai affiliater klik tombol Join now fpr free.
Tahap 3 : Setelah masuk ke halaman pendaftaran. Isikan alamat email anda contoh : kemudian pilihan "No, i am a new customer"
Tahap 4 : klik tombol Sign in Using our secure server maka akan masuk ke halaman Registrasi.
Tahap 5 : pada halaman Registrasi isikan data diri anda dengan lengkap, ingat jangan sampai menipu karena uang tidak akan pernah anda dapat jika anda menipu.
Kalau sudah kolom pendaftaran terisi pilih tombol Finish.
Penting : perhatikan dan catat associates ID pada bagian kalimat "Your unique associates ID is".
Proses pendaftaran selesai affiliater di sudah selesai. Kita telah berhasil bergabung menjadi salah satu affiliater dari
Setelah kita berhasil menjadi affiliater, kita tinggal menampilkan link yang diberikan amazone pada website/blog kita.
Untuk pembayaran, amazone akan mengirimkan Cek pada kita setelah hasil yang kita peroleh $100. Cek tersebut dapat kita tukarkan di bank-bank yang ada di indonesia seperti BCA, BRI dan lain sebagainya.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Selamat mencoba.
Langsung aja deh, Gimana ya cara daftarnya?? Gampang kok, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah cara mendaftar afiliater di ini.
Untuk menjadi affiliater di adalah sebagai berikut :
Tahap 1 : buka situs
Tahap 2 : masuk ke halaman "Join Associates"
Untuk bergabung sebagai affiliater klik tombol Join now fpr free.
Tahap 3 : Setelah masuk ke halaman pendaftaran. Isikan alamat email anda contoh : kemudian pilihan "No, i am a new customer"
Tahap 4 : klik tombol Sign in Using our secure server maka akan masuk ke halaman Registrasi.
Tahap 5 : pada halaman Registrasi isikan data diri anda dengan lengkap, ingat jangan sampai menipu karena uang tidak akan pernah anda dapat jika anda menipu.
Kalau sudah kolom pendaftaran terisi pilih tombol Finish.
Penting : perhatikan dan catat associates ID pada bagian kalimat "Your unique associates ID is".
Proses pendaftaran selesai affiliater di sudah selesai. Kita telah berhasil bergabung menjadi salah satu affiliater dari
Setelah kita berhasil menjadi affiliater, kita tinggal menampilkan link yang diberikan amazone pada website/blog kita.
Untuk pembayaran, amazone akan mengirimkan Cek pada kita setelah hasil yang kita peroleh $100. Cek tersebut dapat kita tukarkan di bank-bank yang ada di indonesia seperti BCA, BRI dan lain sebagainya.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Selamat mencoba.
Reap dollars from the internet
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Reap dollars from the internet.
Perhaps you've heard, whether from neighbors, partners, friends, or gossip if it's been a lot of people earn a living just from home via the internet. Yes, it's not really true but cuman gossip.
How can it be? ??
The power of advertising.
Actually the scenario is simple to earn money. You see, many companies that view the Internet is a media campaign and has a strength of character. The fact many people decide and buy after reading or viewing the information as well as banner ads on the internet. No wonder the advertising budget on the Internet were increasingly maningkat. Many companies that spend millions of dollars to advertise on the internet.
In addition, businesses were either medium or small scale (even his mother a housewife who use the Internet to sell sheets, pillowcases, etc.) also use the Internet as a means of promotion. They also do not hesitate reluctant to pay for advertisements on other sites. A remarkable fact. Arguably radical company. Promotion and advertising is not only company-owned incumbents.
The next question, which they advertise our site!
Read the next article to find out answers to the questions above.
Perhaps you've heard, whether from neighbors, partners, friends, or gossip if it's been a lot of people earn a living just from home via the internet. Yes, it's not really true but cuman gossip.
How can it be? ??
The power of advertising.
Actually the scenario is simple to earn money. You see, many companies that view the Internet is a media campaign and has a strength of character. The fact many people decide and buy after reading or viewing the information as well as banner ads on the internet. No wonder the advertising budget on the Internet were increasingly maningkat. Many companies that spend millions of dollars to advertise on the internet.
In addition, businesses were either medium or small scale (even his mother a housewife who use the Internet to sell sheets, pillowcases, etc.) also use the Internet as a means of promotion. They also do not hesitate reluctant to pay for advertisements on other sites. A remarkable fact. Arguably radical company. Promotion and advertising is not only company-owned incumbents.
The next question, which they advertise our site!
Read the next article to find out answers to the questions above.
The way the list of RRs in / fb / a / advertising
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The way the list of RRs in / fb / a / advertising.
If you've read the previous article that discusses the RRS ads dollars from the Internet source, so now you will invite me to the next step is to register RRS ads in / fb / a / advertising.
Many types of web ads RRS providers, one of which is RRS is one of the providers that are quite popular in Indonesia. Many bloggers and websites that use feedburner.mengapa I recommend that you register at Feedburner? Because many people who have already proved it and enjoy the income from, for that I suggest for those of you who are beginners.
Okedeh ... straight to the red thread, actually enroll in was very easy, just fill out the application form you have just presented.
To begin the sign up, please visit his website / fb / a / advertising.
Then will come the main page and click registered.
It will appear again the registration form.
Fill in all requested data correctly because it will be used to send the payment from feedburner. If your application is approved, then you now have a feedburner account.
Good luck.!
If you've read the previous article that discusses the RRS ads dollars from the Internet source, so now you will invite me to the next step is to register RRS ads in / fb / a / advertising.
Many types of web ads RRS providers, one of which is RRS is one of the providers that are quite popular in Indonesia. Many bloggers and websites that use feedburner.mengapa I recommend that you register at Feedburner? Because many people who have already proved it and enjoy the income from, for that I suggest for those of you who are beginners.
Okedeh ... straight to the red thread, actually enroll in was very easy, just fill out the application form you have just presented.
To begin the sign up, please visit his website / fb / a / advertising.
Then will come the main page and click registered.
It will appear again the registration form.
Fill in all requested data correctly because it will be used to send the payment from feedburner. If your application is approved, then you now have a feedburner account.
Good luck.!
Affiliate business success tips
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Affiliate business success tips.
Affiliate business on the internet are not much different from the real world of business. We must focus on our business and should be resilient in the business. The second thing we must always hold and we always remember. Evaluate each failure.
To promote our affiliate produm, we can do With the ever ways:
create a blog
Creating a blog is the easiest way to promote our affiliate product. With the blog we can interact with many people and certainly to make a blog we do not need to pay anything (free)
Creating a free ebook
Once we make our blogs can also create a free ebook. In the ebook you can insert your affiliate products that we have.
make a sticker
Sticker is actually not directly to promote our blog. However, we can promote our blog and also promote affiliate products we displayed our blog.
Creating a free catalog
In addition to making a free ebook we can also create a catalog for our affiliate products. The city put a catalog of our blog and can be downloaded by all people in need.
Sms is actually the same as the sticker on our sms paste the address of our blog so that people will be interested to visit our blog.
Affiliate business on the internet are not much different from the real world of business. We must focus on our business and should be resilient in the business. The second thing we must always hold and we always remember. Evaluate each failure.
To promote our affiliate produm, we can do With the ever ways:
create a blog
Creating a blog is the easiest way to promote our affiliate product. With the blog we can interact with many people and certainly to make a blog we do not need to pay anything (free)
Creating a free ebook
Once we make our blogs can also create a free ebook. In the ebook you can insert your affiliate products that we have.
make a sticker
Sticker is actually not directly to promote our blog. However, we can promote our blog and also promote affiliate products we displayed our blog.
Creating a free catalog
In addition to making a free ebook we can also create a catalog for our affiliate products. The city put a catalog of our blog and can be downloaded by all people in need.
Sms is actually the same as the sticker on our sms paste the address of our blog so that people will be interested to visit our blog.
Build a Website
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Build a Website
Google AdSendse requirement to register or program to earn money from internet advertising is a must have other online media on the internet. This online media can be a website or blog run by itself. Why should self-managed? because there will be code that you paste into your web / blog.
insert the code? What is it? it sounds really complicated?
Not as you imagine. Not too complicated and difficult. do not worry. due to the existence of my blog will help or guide you step by step.
well, in this chapter I will share about the steps to build a website or blog using Wordpress. Wordpress is a free instant blog maker. You do not need mengetahuo or learn web programming languages. just stay put, click and click. Fun, right?? heeehehehe
as a conductor, you will learn what a domain and hosting. I will pack all the explanations so that you can understand, even beginners.
Google AdSendse requirement to register or program to earn money from internet advertising is a must have other online media on the internet. This online media can be a website or blog run by itself. Why should self-managed? because there will be code that you paste into your web / blog.
insert the code? What is it? it sounds really complicated?
Not as you imagine. Not too complicated and difficult. do not worry. due to the existence of my blog will help or guide you step by step.
well, in this chapter I will share about the steps to build a website or blog using Wordpress. Wordpress is a free instant blog maker. You do not need mengetahuo or learn web programming languages. just stay put, click and click. Fun, right?? heeehehehe
as a conductor, you will learn what a domain and hosting. I will pack all the explanations so that you can understand, even beginners.
Tips on business success and Link AdSense ads
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Tips on business success and Link AdSense ads.
Tips for us to succeed in business adsense or text link ads are:
Make your website or blog content quality. Do not plagiarize / copy and paste from another website or blog.
Make the content of the English language because it will be very many people who can read a website or blog. In addition atai google adsense text link ads to prefer speaking English conten.
Choose a theme interesting and much in demand by many people but the resources available on the internet is still small.
Choose an attractive layout and supporting text link ads.
Look for as many visitors by providing facilities that keep visitors coming back. With the increasing number of visitors, the greater the likelihood adsense ads or text link we clicked.
Tips for us to succeed in business adsense or text link ads are:
Make your website or blog content quality. Do not plagiarize / copy and paste from another website or blog.
Make the content of the English language because it will be very many people who can read a website or blog. In addition atai google adsense text link ads to prefer speaking English conten.
Choose a theme interesting and much in demand by many people but the resources available on the internet is still small.
Choose an attractive layout and supporting text link ads.
Look for as many visitors by providing facilities that keep visitors coming back. With the increasing number of visitors, the greater the likelihood adsense ads or text link we clicked.
Troubleshooting tips on choosing a hosting
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troubleshooting tips on choosing a hosting
because your target is to earn from google AdSendse, then choose a different hosting company's strategic dititik. in this case, choose a hosting company in the United States (U.S.)
choose a hosting company that has an online customer service for 24 hours straight. hosting-hosting the well-known, they have a Customer Service can be reached via online chat media (such as Yahoo! Messenger or online chat facility that they provide their own).
Choose a web host with easy payment terms and confirmation pembayaranya.
Choose the facilities that provide Cpanel. why there are facilities Cpanel? because, with this facility, you can manage your website easily and quickly. Without the need for complicated complex technical knowledge.
If you are new now associated with the smells of hosting, it helps you choose a hosting company that is close to your residence. For, if there is anything you can immediately go to his office and consult your problem. No matter if they are slightly more expensive, but you get the ease and knowledge.
You get what you deserve as a password to change the data domain data that you buy and so on. There are hosting companies that do not allow you to move the server. This will menyulotkan you in the future.
because your target is to earn from google AdSendse, then choose a different hosting company's strategic dititik. in this case, choose a hosting company in the United States (U.S.)
choose a hosting company that has an online customer service for 24 hours straight. hosting-hosting the well-known, they have a Customer Service can be reached via online chat media (such as Yahoo! Messenger or online chat facility that they provide their own).
Choose a web host with easy payment terms and confirmation pembayaranya.
Choose the facilities that provide Cpanel. why there are facilities Cpanel? because, with this facility, you can manage your website easily and quickly. Without the need for complicated complex technical knowledge.
If you are new now associated with the smells of hosting, it helps you choose a hosting company that is close to your residence. For, if there is anything you can immediately go to his office and consult your problem. No matter if they are slightly more expensive, but you get the ease and knowledge.
You get what you deserve as a password to change the data domain data that you buy and so on. There are hosting companies that do not allow you to move the server. This will menyulotkan you in the future.
Scooped from the Dollar Affiliate Business
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Affiliate business is one of the most favored by business internet pembisnis like me .... hehe ...
If you have registered with afiliater who will work to market your products supplied by divulging a company or individual. In our affiliates do not have to buy things that we promote will be but we just sign up as a afiliater then we will be given link of the products that we will promote.
Any purchase of products from these links, we are entitled to a commission of about 10% to 80% of the price of the products we promote.
If you want to get extra money from the business afilias we must have the tools to run an affiliate bisnos like portal. Blog. Mailing or website. As conttoh we have a blog that contains tips on programming tips we can give our affiliate link link about programming books. Then the visitors of our blog will buy programming books from our blog page.
Affiliate sign up on the Best.
To choose the best affiliate program, you should carefully choose an affiliate program. There are many affiliate programs offered but not all are the best affiliate. Start by choosing a popular affiliate program like Amazon because Amazon is reliable in running an affiliate program.
What is a domain and hosting??
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in the previous chapter I have discussed on how to build a Website. and now you will be guided to my next langakh.
In this chapter I will discuss about the understanding of Domain and Hosting.
Domain and hosting is an essential element that must exist when you want to create a website. Domain and Hosting is like a jasat and your life, so if there is no domain and hosting is not possible you can make a website.
Domain is the address / name of a website. if you ever visit,,, etc., that domain. then what is it com,,, org, etc?, all of them are domain level you choose to suit your needs.
Hosting is a hard drive (think like a hard drive attached to your dikomputer) to put your website / blog. The drive is mounted in a kompuyer belong to the hosting service provider. that can be accessed at any time, the computer must be turned on and online for 24 hours nonstop every day. The computer is what we often hear the name of the server. Nowadays many hosting companies popping up vying for the race to find the sympathy we use their services. but there are some facilities that provide less. for that we should be cautious in choosing a hosting company so as not to get caught up with their deceptive advertising persuasion.
Choosing a Hosting company
choose a hosting company is not easy. need many times to move from one company to another company. but you do not need to worry, because dipembahasan this time I will share my experience for you, especially in the process of choosing hosting so you do not have trouble. the author's experience about the process of choosing a hosting company, summarized in the troubleshooting tips.
click here to read the tips tips to choose a hosting company.
In this chapter I will discuss about the understanding of Domain and Hosting.
Domain and hosting is an essential element that must exist when you want to create a website. Domain and Hosting is like a jasat and your life, so if there is no domain and hosting is not possible you can make a website.
Domain is the address / name of a website. if you ever visit,,, etc., that domain. then what is it com,,, org, etc?, all of them are domain level you choose to suit your needs.
Hosting is a hard drive (think like a hard drive attached to your dikomputer) to put your website / blog. The drive is mounted in a kompuyer belong to the hosting service provider. that can be accessed at any time, the computer must be turned on and online for 24 hours nonstop every day. The computer is what we often hear the name of the server. Nowadays many hosting companies popping up vying for the race to find the sympathy we use their services. but there are some facilities that provide less. for that we should be cautious in choosing a hosting company so as not to get caught up with their deceptive advertising persuasion.
Choosing a Hosting company
choose a hosting company is not easy. need many times to move from one company to another company. but you do not need to worry, because dipembahasan this time I will share my experience for you, especially in the process of choosing hosting so you do not have trouble. the author's experience about the process of choosing a hosting company, summarized in the troubleshooting tips.
click here to read the tips tips to choose a hosting company.
Advertising agency (english language)
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advertising agency.
Finally there is a glance at the potential of this ads. They are a company's advertising agency. They mediate between the advertiser and the site requires advertising sites. One of them is google AdSense.
Google AdSense advertisers gather in programming is called Google Adwords. There, the advertisers sign up, determine the character of the site in which to advertise, and eventually spend its advertising budget.
We, as owners gathered in the site or blog google AdSense program. Here, you ditawarin for display the advertisements its advertisers your site. This scenario is very profitable. In fact, many site owners who butus income. In contrast, many of the advertisers who need the media to promote their products. Fit deh .....
Internet article (english Language)
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Internet becomes the current trend. Many people use the internet for various purposes such as promotion, selling surveys, social networking and so forth.
Internet also has its own charm when it is mendatangakan extra income. Today many people compete to participate to get dollars from the internet but the results are not satisfactory or not what they imagined.
In this blog will discuss various sources that can be used as an alternative to generate dollars from the internet. Not just "google adsense" but there are many more that can be used as sources ranging from posting to an online survey.
This blog is intended for all those who want to learn internet and earn money from internet and want to find the bright source of dollars from the Internet. For interactive relationships when there is trouble then please contact me at me or contak.
I also thank and appreciation to the visitors who had been sympathetic and supportive of me by visiting my blog.
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